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Managing Credentials

To manage the progression of freight from stage to stage, Kargo will often require read/write permissions on private GitOps repositories and read-only permissions on private container image and/or Helm chart repositories.

This section presents an overview of how these credentials can be managed.

Credentials as Kubernetes Secret Resources


Kargo formerly borrowed its general credential-management approach from Argo CD, but has since diverged.

Kargo expects any credentials it requires to have been stored as specially labeled Kubernetes Secret resources containing specially-formatted data. These Secrets take the following form:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: <name>
namespace: <project namespace>
labels: <cred type>
repoURL: <repo url>
username: <username>
password: <password>

The name of such a Secret is inconsequential and may follow any convention preferred by the user.


Kargo uses Kubernetes Namespaces to mark project boundaries. Secrets representing credentials will typically exist in the same Namespace as the Stage resources that will require them. There are exceptions to this, which are covered in the next section.

The label key and its value, one of git, helm, or image, is important, as it designates the Secret as representing credentials for a Git repository, a Helm chart repository, or a container image repository, respectively.

The Secret's data field (set above using plaintext in the stringData field), MUST contain the following keys:

  • repoURL: The full URL of the repository the credentials are for.

  • username: The username to use when authenticating to the repository.

  • password: A password or personal access token.


    If the value of the password key is a personal access token, the value of the username field may be inconsequential. You should consult your repository's documentation for more information.

Optionally, the following keys may also be included:

  • repoURLIsRegex: Set this to true if the value of the repoURL key is a regular expression. Any other value of this key or the absence of this key is interpreted as false.

When Kargo searches for repository credentials in a project Namespace, it first checks all appropriately labeled Secrets for a repoURL value matching the repository URL exactly. Only if no Secret is an exact match does it check all appropriately labeled Secrets for a repoURL value containing a regular expression matching the repository URL.

When searching for an exact match, and again when searching for a pattern match, appropriately labeled Secrets are considered in lexical order by name.


Only username/password (or personal access token) authentication is supported at this time. Others are likely to be added in the future.

Global Credentials

In cases where one or more sets of credentials are needed widely across all Kargo projects, the administrator/operator installing Kargo may opt-in to designating one or more Namespaces as homes for "global" credentials using the controller.globalCredentials.namespaces setting in Kargo's Helm chart. Refer to the advanced section of the installation guide for more details.


Any matching credentials (exact match or pattern match) found in a project's own Namespace take precedence over those found in any global credentials Namespace.

When Kargo searches for repository credentials in global credentials Namespaces, it first checks all appropriately labeled Secrets for a repoURL value matching the repository URL exactly. Only if no Secret is an exact match does it check all appropriately labeled Secrets for a repoURL value containing a regular expression matching the repository URL.

When searching for an exact match, and again when searching for a pattern match, appropriately labeled Secrets are considered in lexical order by name.

When Kargo is configured with multiple global credentials Namespaces, they are searched in lexical order by name. Only after no exact match and no pattern match is found in one global credentials Namespace does Kargo search the next.


It is important to understand the security implications of this feature. Any credentials stored in a global credentials Namespace will be available to all Kargo projects.

Managing Credentials with the CLI

The Kargo CLI can be used to manage credentials in a project's Namespace.

The following example creates credentials for a Git repository:

kargo create credentials --project kargo-demo my-credentials \
--git --repo-url \
--username my-username --password my-my-personal-access-token
secret/my-credentials created

If you do not wish for your password or personal access token to be stored in your shell history, you may wish to omit the --password flag, in which case the CLI will prompt you to enter the password interactively.

Credentials can be listed or viewed with kargo get credentials:

kargo get credentials --project kargo-demo my-credentials
NAME             TYPE   REGEX   REPO                                        AGE
my-credentials git false 8m25s

If requesting output as YAML or JSON, passwords and other potentially sensitive information will be redacted.

kargo get credentials --project kargo-demo my-credentials -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: "2024-05-30T20:02:46Z"
labels: git
name: my-credentials
namespace: kargo-demo
resourceVersion: "17614"
uid: ca2660e4-867d-4709-b1a7-57fbb93fc6dc
password: '*** REDACTED ***'
username: my-username
type: Opaque

Credentials can be updated using the kargo update credentials command and the flags corresponding to attributes of the credential that you wish to modify. Other attributes of the credentials will remain unchanged.

The following example updates my-credentials with a regular expression for the repository URL:

kargo update credentials --project kargo-demo my-credentials \
--repo-url '^' --regex
secret/my-credentials updated

And credentials can, of course, be deleted with kargo delete credentials:

kargo delete credentials --project kargo-demo my-credentials
secret/my-credentials deleted

While the CLI may be a fine way of managing project-level credentials whilst getting to know Kargo, it is unquestionably more secure to use other means to ensure the existence of these specially-formatted Secrets in the appropriate project Namespaces.

Registry-Specific Authentication Options

While many container image registries support authentication using long-lived credentials, such as a username and password (or personal access token), some either require or offer more secure options.

This section provides registry-specific guidance on credential management and also covers options for gaining image repository access using workload identity on applicable platforms.

Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)

The authentication options described in this section are applicable only to container image repositories whose URLs indicate they are hosted in ECR.

Long-Lived Credentials

Elastic Container Registries do not directly support long-lived credentials, however, an AWS access key ID and secret access key can be used to obtain an authorization token that is valid for 12 hours. Kargo can seamlessly obtain such a token and will cache it for a period of 10 hours.

To use this option, your Secret should take the following form:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: <name>
namespace: <project namespace>
labels: <cred type>
awsAccessKeyID: <access key id>
awsSecretAccessKey: <secret access key>
repoURL: <ecr url>

Following the principle of least privilege, the IAM user associated with the access key ID and secret access key should be limited only to read-only access to the required ECR repositories.


This method of authentication is a "lowest common denominator" approach that will work regardless of where Kargo is deployed. i.e. If running Kargo outside of EKS, this method will still work.

If running Kargo within EKS, you may wish to consider using EKS Pod Identity instead.

EKS Pod Identity

If Kargo locates no Secret resources matching a repository URL, and if Kargo is deployed within an EKS cluster, it will attempt to use EKS Pod Identity to authenticate, but this relies upon some external setup. Leveraging this option eliminates the need to store credentials in a Secret resource.

First, follow this overview to set up EKS Pod Identity in your EKS cluster and assign an IAM role to the kargo-controller ServiceAccount within the Namespace to which Kargo is (or will be) installed.

At this point, an IAM role will be associated with the Kargo controller, however, that controller acts on behalf of multiple Kargo projects, each of which may require access to different ECR repositories. To account for this, when Kargo attempts to access an ECR repository on behalf of a specific project, it will first attempt to assume an IAM role specific to that project. The name of the role it attempts to assume will always be of the form kargo-project-<project name>. It is this role that should be granted read-only access to applicable ECR repositories.


The name of the IAM role associated with each Kargo project is deliberately not configurable to prevent project admins from attempting to coerce Kargo into assuming arbitrary IAM roles.

Once Kargo is able to assume the appropriate IAM role for a given project, it will follow a process similar to that described in the previous section to obtain a token that is valid for 12 hours and cached for 10.


Following the principle of least privilege, the IAM role associated with the kargo-controller ServiceAccount should be limited only to the ability to assume project-specific IAM roles. Project-specific IAM roles should be limited only to read-only access to the applicable ECR repositories.

Google Artifact Registry

The authentication options described in this section are applicable only to container image repositories whose URLs indicate they are hosted in Google Artifact Registry.


Google Container Registry (GCR) has been deprecated in favor of Google Artifact Registry. For authentication to repositories with legacy GCR URLs, the same options outlined here may be applied.

Long-Lived Credentials


Google Artifact Registry does directly support long-lived credentials as described here. The username _json_key_base64 and the base64-encoded service account key may be stored in the username and password fields of a Secret resource as described in the first section of this document. Kargo and Google both strongly discourage this method of authentication however.

Google documentation recommends using a service account key to obtain an access token that is valid for 60 minutes. Compared to the discouraged method of using the service account key to authenticate to the registry directly, this process does not transmit the service account key over the wire. Kargo can seamlessly carry out this process and will cache the access token for a period of 40 minutes.

To use this option, your Secret should take the following form:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: <name>
namespace: <project namespace>
labels: <cred type>
gcpServiceAccountKey: <base64-encoded service account key>
repoURL: <ecr url>

Service account keys contain structured data, so it is important that the key be base64-encoded.


Following the principle of least privilege, the service account associated with the service account key should be limited only to read-only access to the required Google Artifact Registry repositories.


This method of authentication is a "lowest common denominator" approach that will work regardless of where Kargo is deployed. i.e. If running Kargo outside of GKE, this method will still work.

If running Kargo within GKE, you may wish to consider using Workload Identity Federation instead.

Workload Identity Federation

If Kargo locates no Secret resources matching a repository URL, and if Kargo is deployed within a GKE cluster, it will attempt to use Workload Identity Federation to authenticate, but this relies upon some external setup. Leveraging this option eliminates the need to store credentials in a Secret resource.

First, follow these directions to provision a new GKE cluster with Workload Identity Federation enabled or these directions to enable Workload Identity Federation on an existing GKE cluster.

At this point, the kargo-controller ServiceAccount within the Namespace to which Kargo is (or will be) installed will be associated with an IAM principal identifier, which takes the following form:

principal://<gcp project number>/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/<gcp project name><kargo namespace>/sa/kargo-controller

Although associated with this one principal, the Kargo controller acts on behalf of multiple Kargo projects, each of which may require access to different Google Artifact Registry repositories. To account for this, when Kargo attempts to access a Google Artifact Registry repository on behalf of a specific project, it will first attempt to impersonate a Google service account specific to that project. The name of the service account it attempts to impersonate will always be of the form kargo-project-<kargo project name>@<gcp project name> It is this service account that should be granted read-only access to applicable Google Artifact Registry repositories.


The name of the Google service account associated with each Kargo project is deliberately not configurable to prevent Kargo project admins from attempting to coerce Kargo into impersonating arbitrary Google service accounts.

Once Kargo is able to impersonate the appropriate Google service account for a given project, it will follow a process similar to that described in the previous section to obtain a token that is valid for 60 minutes and cached for 40.


Following the principle of least privilege, the IAM principal associated with the kargo-controller ServiceAccount should be limited only to the ability to impersonate project-specific Google service accounts. Project-specific Google service accounts should be limited only to read-only access to the applicable Google Artifact Registry repositories.

Azure Container Registry (ACR)

Azure Container Registry directly supports long-lived credentials.

It is possible to create tokens with repository-scoped permissions, with or without an expiration date. These tokens can be be stored in the username and password fields of a Secret resource as described in the first section of this document.


Support for authentication to ACR repositories using workload identity, on par with Kargo's support for ECR and Google Artifact Registry, is likely to be included in a future release of Kargo.